Mari and I are headed out to Rialto for a meet up group on Route 66 and to see the wigwam motel. Should be interesting.
Bible reading-the devotional for the Samaritan Woman talks about being appreciated for who you are. Knowing what real love is and being thankful for God's love.
My word today is Faith-Job 19:25-"I know that my Redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand upon the earth."
"O Lord, may I believe in the darkness, When al hope has vanished, When waves beat with fury, and no star lights my sky, May I believe without feeling or knowing or proving, till one shining moment, when You shatter the darkness, And all I believed for is suddenly mine.
Kay Warren talked about darkness yesterday in her message. The definition of darkness, is the absence of visible light. I am going to do some research on the different meanings of darkness. I am learning, and I love to learn, it is fun to research words.
Last night, I typed up my post on my Mission blog on Mission Santa Barbara.
The day turned out a little different than I had planned, but I have to be thankful for something that did happen and when it happened. Mari and I left about 10:30 and went down the hill and took my hills picture for my 365 picture. We started up Santiago Canyon and I happened to look down and my check engine light was on and another light was on. I went down to Big O and they have to keep my car over night, so I used Rory's. The rest of the day was enjoyable, just hot. Drove down Foothill Blvd, aka Route 66 and then drove home. Took a nap, as my sleep last night was not great. I woke up about 2 and Rory was somewhat sick. Marissa made Rory's dinner and I made ours. All of us are hanging out tonight.
Rory is coming down at 8 and I will go up after Mari and I give Sweet Pea her insulin. Looking forward to a good night's sleep.
Good Night! Trudi