Monday, May 6, 2013


It has been a very busy day and I am finally writing this, when I am usually finishing my blog.

I had to take Rory to the VA for an appointment.  The VA center in Long Beach is huge and the parking is awful.  It was pouring rain when we left here and then it cleared up.  He had to go to the vascular department to see what the circulation was like in his feet, because of all the problems he has been having.  The circulation is fine.  Most of the problems are caused by his weight and his diabetes.  One of the doctor's was really trying to push weight loss surgery and I was telling them it would not work, as he is not willing to change his habits.  Out of the appointment, came a lab appointment and a bone density appointment.  He had an ultrasound appointment, but the machine was broken.  He has to go back next week for an eye appointment, where they are going to dilate his eyes, so I have to drive.  By the time we got out of there it was close to 1 and I was starving.  Rory wanted to go by Bristol Farms and pick up sandwiches, which we did and then we headed for home.

At 3:15, I had to leave to take Mari to school.  Tomorrow is Mari's last day of Tuesday classes and she is supposed to bring cookies, so I am making cookies.  Something happened after I went through the docent class and also told Rory I was not going to make his meals.  I feel like I have more confidence and I am back to enjoying cooking.  I made homemade guacamole last night.  Trader Joe's has a packet, with everything you need for guacamole and I put it together and it was good.  Even Rory liked it.  The only thing was, was that the packet was saying to me all day, that I could not do it and I did it. This has been happening with a lot of things.  It is nice to feel that I can do things.   When Mari told me that she needed cookies, I told her I would make them, so that is what I am doing.

Unless she calls me before hand, I am leaving at 8:45 and going to pick Mari up.

Good Night.  Trudi

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