Monday, October 8, 2012

Ultimate Blog Challenge-Day 8-Is this a holiday?

Good Morning! I am back to getting up at 6, as Mari and I are doing our walking of the park. I have done my stretching exercises. Enjoying the overcast and the cool temperatures. Today is Columbus Day and this is one of those half holidays. We get no mail, but Mari goes to school and the stock market is open. In Canada it is a Thanksgiving, so I guess it is a holiday. I am starting to see more and more election signs and I feel like I want to put up a sign that says, "who cares, who gets elected. Are things really going to change, or is it just going to be the same old thing. I am tired of the talk and I want to see ACTUAL ACTION! Today Mari has school. Other than that, I will be doing my usual routine. Rory said he would work today, but so far has not been asked and I know he is tired of being stuck in the house, which is really his decision, so I imagine he will be going somewhere. Yesterday, I tried to talk to him about moving forward with his life, but the right time really never presented itself. I guess that was not meant to be.
Fall is one of my favorite times of year, but so far we are not seeing the leaves changing. I keep seeing other people posting pictures of leaves changing in their area and I am getting sad. I want to see it in our area. I guess I will have to be patient. Mari and I did our walk at the park with our walking buddy. Having breakfast of my crock pot oatmeal with turkey bacon. Going to do my morning routine and then meet up with a friend later this morning. While I was out having coffee with my friend, I also got sandwiches for the three of us girls. Came home, had lunch, made a frappe for Mari and took her to school. Mari is so tired of Rory and his behavior, that she was happy to go to school and just be away from the house for awhile. While I was having coffee with my friend, I was telling her about the Ghost Walk we went to on Saturday and she said that I should do that kind of thing and I would be good at it. I would love to do history tours as that is what I really enjoy. Right now in my life is not a good time, but that is something I need to look into. Any suggestions? When I dropped Mari off at school, I told her to text me if she wanted, and then I asked her if she was just going to disappear for the rest of the day and, she was just going to disappear for the rest of the day. Came home and had a nap, made snack for Marissa and I, and now having some alone time until dinner. Made dinner and Marissa and I watched Anthony Bourdain while we ate dinner. Did some talking after dinner, plus I tried to call a friend of mine. I don't know whether this is a memory issue or just who Rory is of being self-absorbed, but he keeps asking if everyone is home. I keep telling him that Mari is at school until 10. Mari has had a Monday night class since the beginning of the semester, which was August 27. Getting quiet time, hopefully until 9, when I go pick up Mari. Then come home and go to bed. Good Night. Trudi

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