Friday, December 21, 2012

I'm here, are you?

Good Morning! I guess the world did not come to an end! This picture was taken at Mission San Juan Capistrano.
This morning I was on the verge of tears. I like variety, but I like routine. I want to be a little more creative when it comes to our food, but I am always concerned that Rory is not going to like it and he will start complaining. I want to think outside of the box. I decided to do yoga this morning and I have come to realize how tight, inflexible I am. It did help. My knee and elbow bother me most of the time and now my neck has started to bother me. I am tired of some of the pain; but in many ways, I feel like I am not important to Rory. I just keep going. Right now, I am doing morning computer routine. When my emotions really raise their head, it exhausts me and I really needed a nap. Checked the dryer and the towels are still damp. Did the rest of the trash. Eating lunch.
Watered and cleaned off the patio. Ran some errands with Marissa. I can always talk Marissa into going with me, when I go to the vet, as there is a cat that lives at the vet, who she likes to see. I have the same response when I go to PetSmart, but usually from both girls. For some reason, I was getting into a rotten mood while I was at Trader Joe's. I was really not in the holiday mood. I was nervous about going to a thing with Mari tonight, where her photography teacher is playing. I thought it was a club, it turns out it is an art exhibit. When I got home it was snack time and I asked Mari if she would make something we saw in "Peanut Butter and Peppers". We needed Cranberry Juice and we didn't have any. We went to Target and I also got a sweater to wear tonight, as well as the cranberry juice. Now we are home and going to relax. Rory was supposed to be home about 1 and finally called about 3:45. He is looking for a job, where he doesn't have to use a computer or deal with people. I suggested a courier and he went towards a jewelry courier. Wrong time of year to look for it. I made Rory's dinner and Mari made ours. Trying to convince a friend to go with us to San Diego tomorrow. Finally convinced her. We are going to help her wrap packages. Out the door to head for Laguna and an art show. Well the art show was ok. Not my kind of art, but that is normal. The entertainment and people watching was fun. They had belly dancers as well, as Mari's teacher's band. Ready to head for bed. Good night. Trudi

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