Saturday, December 1, 2012

Beginning of December

Good Morning! Yesterday all it did was rain and was gray! This morning the sun is out and we do have some fog. We have a fireplace in our living room, but I have gotten to the point, I really don't like to use it, as we get a smoke smell throughout the house and I really do not like that smell. I did make a fire yesterday afternoon, partly because I wanted to see if I could use the gas lighter that we had installed in the fireplace. Rory had to turn on the a/c, as he thought he was getting smoke up in our room. I finally had to turn the a/c off, as I could not stand the smell in our room during the night from the windows being closed up. I have put up some decorations for Christmas, but now, I really feel I can decorate for Christmas, as it is December 1. What happened to November? I was putting the month of December in my Franklin Covey and I felt like I just did November. Mari and I are talking about going to Crystal Cove to their Christmas tree lighting ceremony, but then, I just saw that Heritage Hill is having their Victorian Christmas today and tonight. Rory is going to Wilmington, to something I was going to go to, but I have something tomorrow in San Juan Capistrano, so I felt that going to Wilmington and San Juan Capistrano would be too much. I am getting hungry, so I had better get going with breakfast and make a directional map for Rory.
Made breakfast for all of us, doing computer and house stuff! Done some Christmas decoration. Waiting for Marissa to do dishes, so I can make lunch. I was looking at FB and saw this awesome video of someone breaking into song in a mall and the reaction from the crowd. I somehow have a feeling they had it staged, as there were other singers around. At the end, "Mary and Joseph" brought the Baby in. The looks on others faces was awesome. I sat here and cried. It is ok to show emotion. Now, I can go make lunch and then go to Target! I love the Christmas season with the lights and the real meaning of the season. Thank you Lord! After I got back from Target, Mari and I worked on her room, then we went to Laguna and got a smoothie and then to the Christmas lighting ceremony. Very enjoyable! Came home and made dinner and watching TV. Interesting watching something haunted and editing Christmas pictures.
Overall an enjoyable day! Going to finish this and some emails and then I am going to read and go to bed! Good night. Trudi

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