Thursday, December 13, 2012

Last day of school-YEA!

Good afternoon!
It has been a busy morning, as usual for a Thursday, plus I got up late, as Rory worked from 6 p.m. to 2 or 3 a.m.. I am never sure, but I know he comes to bed about 5:30. It also rained most of the night and my head would not shut off. After my trip to LA yesterday, I realize how many people really do not explore their own area. I am really seriously considering my own tour business called Gypsy Mom Tours. I just need to figure out where to start. Any ideas? Took Mari to school about 9:15. She was upset as her computer froze last night and this is her last day of class for fall semester and there were things she needed on the computer. Everything worked it self out, thank goodness. After I dropped Mari off, I went to Goodwill and donated some things and then headed for Chris's to do our study. Came home, had lunch and took a short nap. Now I am trying to do my morning routine. Need to leave about 3 to take Mari her smoothie and dinner, then come back and run errands on the way home. Did some errands and the Farmer's Market and then came home. Will finish doing errands tomorrow. Got dinner together, watched TV and waited for Mari to call, which she did about 8. They are doing construction still on Laguna Canyon, so it was a mess getting down to Laguna and then we had to go another route to get home, unless we wanted to wait forever in line. We are home now and I am going to do some reading and then go to bed. Good Night. Trudi

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