Sunday, January 6, 2013

Remind me-Day 6

Good Morning, at least I think it is! I have to remind myself, that I can wake up in a warm bed, in a warm house and we have food and I have my health. I did not get the greatest of sleeps, as Rory was having a night of poor me and that he can't do anything for himself :-(. AARGH! He decided to turn on the air conditioner and it was in the 40's outside. He thought he needed to dry out the air, to help his lungs. I finally turned it off, after he went to sleep. About 4 he turned on the heat, as he was cold. He does not sleep under the covers, but sleeps under a blanket. I need to remind myself, why I am staying with him. I got up around 7 and really did not want to go to church, but my friend pulled a guilt trip on me. Mari got up around 9:45 and we did end up going to church.
See the face? I was glad I went to church afterward. Came home and had lunch and took a nap. Marissa woke me up at 2:30, so the girls could go to a movie, but the lines were too long and the girls decided they would wait till another day. Found out, it was really Marissa wanted to see it and Mari was just wanting to do something. While we were out, we went to Target and then to get something for snack. I need to remind myself of the word "Simple". Came home and Rory was downstairs. I really wanted to accomplish something and as usual he was in my way and non-stop talking to me. He did go upstairs and I am getting something done. When am I going to be happy with what I get done? I keep wanting to get more done. I just want a day to stay home and just do house stuff. I just need to be reminded to enjoy the journey. I am happy with what I am doing outside of the house. I did enjoy yesterday. Relax and enjoy the journey. Going to need to get dinner going soon, but Mari said she would do dinner, which she did. I got laundry from our hamper sorted. I feel more at peace tonight. We had chili for dinner and the three girls of us watched TV. Having quiet time now. I really needed quiet time this afternoon, as I felt very antsy and couldn't settle. Going to watch "Biggest Loser" at 9 and then go to bed. I am tired tonight. Feeling better. Good night. Trudi

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